Power HUG

Hi readers, I know that today is Monday and everyone is hating it right now. Well maybe because things aren't going to be fine due to deadlines and reports at the office, or maybe because you need to keep all those loaded chores at home in proper again. Whatever you are doing right now that makes you feel grim and faint. Allow me to throw away my hugs to you and give you comfort in my own little way, hugssss ^_~ 

Why hug? This is simply because there's no other way to comfort me than giving me a hug. Indeed that I am much in hugging than any other body language to express love. For me, it is the most basic ways of human being's touch, and I believe that there is a power in hugs. A hug can bread down barriers that sometimes words cannot do. At times, it can speak more than words can say.

At some point, though hugs can be done the same thing, they may come along in different meanings. These might help you to identify what form of hug you may want to give to someone without being misunderstood. Here's some.

  • Comfort. This is very common, that hugs can be a form for comforting someone maybe in pain, distress, sadness, upset. Comfort hugs are often longer and may continue until the other person has calmed down. But surely hug is 101 percent a way to comfort someone.
  • Bonding. Hugs maybe used to develope trust and create an emotional and identity forming bond with the other person. A friend so dear to you are the people who receive this much.
  • Affection. If you can hug a person without worrying whether this will upset them, you are likely to be showing an affection.
  • Romance. Hugging is a key part of any romantic relationship and a first hug, often given as a sign of simple affection. Romantic hug is much longer than any other means of hug. 
  • Protection. Another means of hugging is by securing other person that you are about to protect them. This might be in general situation.

    I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words - Ann Hood

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